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Heather Brewster

I am so glad that you signed up for my monthly Newsletter! Thank You!

In appreciation, here is one of my art prints called “Seed of Life” that you can download and print it out. You can print it out at home, take it to a local printer or use an online print service.

The print is 8×10 inches in size and comes on a 8.5 x 11 sheet, so there is a small white border around the image. If you print on good quality paper it will have the best results.

Also, make sure to download at high resolution – 300dpi – and use a computer to download the file. If you download the file to your phone or tablet, it will automatically shrink the file and compromise the print quality.

You are also free to use it for any personal use, for your social media posts or web image. The image is copyright, so please do not use it commercially to sell or make profit on.

Hope you enjoy!

xox Heather

Seed of Life - 8x10 - Art Print

Seed of Life - 8x10 - Art Print